What methods are you using to schedule your project? Will it always work and stay on track or will there be problems that delay the project? Have you tried 4D BIM model yet? Let’s learn about 4D BIM model through the following article.
What is 4D Model?
The term BIM has now become very popular in the construction industry, so in this article we will not mention it again. If you want to learn the concept of BIM then visit the article below.
Related post: What Is BIM Modeling? Importance Of BIM In Construction
As you know, 3D BIM model is the synthesis of all the detailed drawings along with the information of the materials to create the structure of the building. Then 4D BIM will allow us to add information about the construction time and process. Thereby we can accurately determine the task that need to be done, the materials and components that need to be prepared to complete that stage. So we can say a 4D model is a 3D model with time elements added.
4D BIM or not?
Without BIM, it takes a lot of time and effort for project managers and project planners to schedule construction building. But it is not possible to be 100% certain that the plan will be executed smoothly without delay. In addition, different simulations must be made to prevent risks from occurring. These jobs cause great inconvenience and cost.
Therefore, BIM technology was born to serve that process, with less cost, less time, and we can still schedule effectively with extremely high accuracy. Businesses now only need to train their staff to be proficient in BIM software, or outsource BIM service companies, they will bring you a complete and high-quality 4D model.
So will you spend more money and time to schedule in the traditional way, or will spend less money and time using 4D BIM model?

How does It affect your project?
Time information is included in the model so that stakeholders can understand the stages of work that they have been, are doing and are about to do. In addition, BIM software can help project members connect online through devices such as desktop computers, mobile devices, etc. to help access, review and discuss easier between members.
4D BIM model is very effective for construction planning, making the construction process smooth and easy to manage. We can run simulations of the construction process between components to eliminate unreasonable alternatives, eliminate waste and redesign on-site.
Such specific scheduling allows us to assess the feasibility of the project from the start, communicate ideas accurately, and respond to briefs in a timely manner.
In short, 4D BIM model helps us a lot in the process of project schedule, not only in terms of time. Hope that these basic concepts will help you in the learning phase of 4D BIM models. If you have a need to outsource 4D BIM modeling services, please visit us here: https://oceanbimcloud.com/4d-simulation-services