Schalplan / Bewehrungsplan by a structural engineer or specialized design office?

Schal- und bewehrungsplan belong to the so-called execution plans. In concrete terms, they contain all the necessary information on the geometry and dimensions of concrete components and reinforcing steel. In this respect, they are indispensable for most buildings today. For the creation of the formwork and reinforcement plans, builders generally have the choice between a structural engineer and a specialized design office for construction. Depending on the situation, one or the other variant can be advantageous.

schalplan bewehrungsplan
Reinforcement plan

A detailed look: What are schal und bewehrungsplan

If you are faced with the question of having the formwork and reinforcement plans drawn up by an external expert or a structural engineer, you should acquire a little background knowledge. The execution plans fulfill the following functions.

Schalplan: Many modern buildings are constructed partly or almost entirely of concrete. The dimensions and geometries designed by the architect must be implemented in the building. The formwork plan is used for this. It shows the parts to be built to scale in various views, sections, and the floor plan. In the case of complex structures, such as the layer structure of floors and ceilings, it also contains detailed illustrations of the individual layers. To ensure that the plans are drawn up uniformly, the special specifications for this are regulated in DIN 1356-1. The latter are concrete plans of how the formwork will be constructed on-site.

Bewehrungsplan: To put it simply, reinforcement is the basic structure of the concrete parts. It essentially consists of steel girders, the so-called reinforcing steel. Which and how many carriers are required depends on the statics. For this reason, the reinforcement plan is often created by the structural engineer.

Why are professional formwork plans/reinforcement plans important?

How high should the floors be, how thick should the walls be? Where are recesses for building services or similar necessary? These are all questions that a good formwork plan can answer. This has several advantages: Firstly, the masons and formworkers receive precise instructions on site. This ensures rapid work processes and thus rapid construction progress. Secondly, a good schalplan saves double work. For example, by leaving the necessary recesses for building services, elevators, or similar installations right at the beginning. Then the construction company does not have to drill and chisel unnecessarily later. This in turn saves time and money. For these reasons, it is important to have the plans drawn up professionally.

Design office or structural engineer for reinforcement plans and formwork plans?

There are two ways to have the implementation plans drawn up: by a structural engineer or by a specialized design office. Both variants can have their advantages.

Formwork and reinforcement plans from the structural engineer …

  • are associated with no further effort for builders.
  • are usually perfectly adapted to the statics.
  • come from the same contact person as the structural engineer.
  • are quickly available because they are created together with the static calculations.

Formwork and reinforcement plans from the design office …

  • come from specialists and are created very professionally.
  • are recommended for complex buildings.
  • usually, take into account all the details.

In principle, both options are possible. For smaller buildings such as single-family homes, many builders rely on working with just one engineering office. If you leave the choice of the structural engineer to the architect, there is no effort involved in awarding the contract. On the other hand, for larger structures with special requirements, such as kindergartens or retirement homes, it can make sense to delegate the formwork and reinforcement plans to a specialized execution planner.

How much do formwork plans/reinforcement plans cost?

The costs for the creation of formwork and reinforcement plans are regulated in the HOAI. They fall into service phase 5 (implementation planning) and are made up of various individual services. In addition to preparing the plans, this also includes, for example, determining the required amount of steel. For builders, the costs incurred are capped by the fee schedule and, as always with structural engineering services, depend on the total volume of the building (keyword: chargeable costs). Possible indirect follow-up costs are interesting to the total expenditure. As mentioned, a good shawl saves unnecessary subsequent work. Reinforcement offers a similar savings potential since steel is a (comparatively) expensive material.


We are able to create formwork and reinforcement plans for concrete structures and element plans for semi-finished reinforced concrete parts effectively, quickly and in high quality. The formwork and reinforcement plans are created with Allplan based on a 3D model. Read more…