What is BIM Modeling?
BIM Modeling, also known as Building Information Modeling, is a term used since around 2002 by famous software vendors in the world. It is the process of creating and gathering digital files about dimensions, quantity, materials, and space to support give a decision regarding a built asset. These files can be extracted, exchanged or networked to lead to the final decision.
BIM Modeling software is used to design, plan, operate, construct and maintain buildings or infrastructure facilities such as bridges, roads, electricity, water, tunnels, railways, ports, etc. by governments, businesses or individuals.
Some BIM software:
- For Architecture: Revit, Allplan, Navisworks, ArchiCad, etc.
- For Structural: Revit, Allplan, Navisworks, Tekla, STAAd Pro, etc.
- For M&E: Revit, Cadewa, etc.
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BIM Modeling is used throughout the life of the project

BIM is not only used during the planning and design phases but also throughout the life cycle of the project. Support in cost management, facility operation and application in green buildings.
A special feature of BIM is not only the information to build constructions, but also can store data about manufacturers, suppliers, data on steel volume, standards for calculating beams, run clash detection between objects before starting,… and a lot of other information that we can use throughout the life of the project.
Compared to previous construction design software, in addition to creating 2D designs, BIM can create 3D models that provide a visual, detailed and specific view of the building. And from that 3D model, combine with other elements to create 4D, 5D, 6D models. So what are 4D, 5D, 6D models
The 4D model is integrated with the elements of time and progress of the work. Helps in scheduling, construction progress and preparing resources for construction.
The 5D model integrates additional factors of cost, wear and tear. Applied in management, cost control and capital planning for projects.
The 6D model includes highly detailed information about the equipment system and applications in the system’s maintenance and equipment during use.
So that makes BIM the world’s most advanced construction software since it appeared on the market.
Importance of BIM Modeling in the construction industry

Stanford University Center for Integrated Facilities Engineering (CIFE), a pioneer in the research and application of BIM in the US, annually summarizes to monitor the application of BIM in companies as well as in construction investment projects. The report summarizing data based on 32 projects using BIM of CIFE has quantified benefits through many criteria such as:
- 40% reduction in change requests;
- The deviation of the final settlement from the estimate is only +/- 3%;
- 80% reduction in cost time;
- Cost savings up to 10%;
- 7% reduction in progress.
The application of BIM in the construction industry brings high efficiency and cost savings to users. However, for small and medium construction companies, the cost of using this technology is relatively limited. Therefore, oceanBIM was born to provide you with the BIM services you need.
With many years of experience in BIM application, our team brings to you outsource BIM services such as Shop drawings, Clash detection, 3D BIM modeling, 4D Construction Simulation, Quantity Takeoff. In addition, we also develop a cloud platform to connect online with our clients and develop plugins for BIM software such as Revit, Navisworks, Allplan, BIM 360, Autodesk Forge, etc.
Check out our services here: http://oceanbimcloud.com/